Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Once upon a time

Since Liz hasn't updated in a while, and Blogger lets me, I am going to write something...

... ...

Oh yeah, I used to live in Hong Kong. My parents took us to McDonald's when we were good, which also meant I got to ride the ferry, because that's how you got to the McDonald's. And there was a game center right outside the McDonald's. That was awesome.

Hong Kong is hilly. Or at least we lived on a hill. To get to our apartment, you had to walk up a spiral driveway through the garage. And then there was a playground behind the apartments further up another hill. And to go to preschool, we walked down a road that was made out of stairs.

One time, my parents were going out and left me at a friend's house. I didn't like that so I cried and made a big fuss. The friend said I could play with a typewriter, so I felt a little better. But then it turned out to be a fake toy typewriter, not a real one, so I got upset again. My grandmother (in South Carolina, not Hong Kong) had a typewriter - it was pretty cool, except she was always afraid we'd break it.

I had a recurring nightmare in Hong Kong that a giant would walk by the window (we lived upstairs, so he must have been pretty big) and reach in to take me. I'd run down the hall to get away, except there was a window in the living room too, so he could still find me. He was a scary guy, that giant.

I guess those last two stories don't really have anything to do with Hong Kong.


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